Mermaid Legend

The mermaid or merman is a creature with the body of a man but instead of legs has a fish tail. Especially in the Middle Ages was very much believed in mermaids. The gullible sailors thought they were mermaids by storm in the foam cutting. All their colleagues declared their crazy but they kept to their own fixed ideas.

Mermaid Legend
Mermaids have also long been heard on the rocks around the Tyrrhenian Sea, they called them sirens, mermaids who sailors with their songs would lure in the water. the smart captains that their men do not want to lose the crew wore their ears to stop until the song was over. the crew that did not ... Well, that is clear

also in the time of babylon irish they had been gods with fish cakes or with the head of a fish. these gods were the saviors of the people and the creators of man.

In the days when Duke Albrecht of Bavaria on Holland ruled a huge storm broke out. This storm broke the levees and the flood came in Purmer More. In this flood was a mermaid entrained. She could not resist the force of the water. Her body was covered with weeds and moss that covered her like a cloak.

She swam around in Purmer more and could not return because the levees were repaired and the water had withdrawn. They tried to hide themselves. The people saw her anyway and were both scared and curious. Eventually won their curiosity of their fear and they hoisted the mermaid in a boat and took her to Edam. There, they cleaned it and pulled her clothes on people. They tried to make himself heard, but they understand its language. They taught her people eat food, and although she liked wanted them back to the sea. A few times she knew almost to escape.
Mermaid Legend
People from all over came her visit. The people of Haarlem found that such a beautiful creature in Haarlem heard and not to Edam. Thus it happened that the mermaid was transported to Haarlem. There they learned spinning and there she died. She was buried in the cemetery of the people because they are often the sign of the cross was made.
Posted by: Mermaid Updated at: 12:42 AM

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